International Conference on Optimization Techniques in the Field of Engineering


ICOFE 2024 conference Proceedings will be Published in SSRN and it will be submitted into Web of Science Book Citation Indexing and Scopus Indexing.

All accepted and presented papers will be considered for publication, and all published papers will be indexed in the Scopus database

Proceedings Hosting features summary

  • Branded SSRN pages and communications linking back to your website
  • Dedicated SSRN support staff to assist you
  • DOI assignment, for working papers with full text provided
  • Label added to each paper identifying it as part of proceedings across SSRN’s platform
  • Interdisciplinary paper distribution in up to 12 SSRN Subject Matter eJournals as deemed
  • appropriate by our subject matter experts
  • Usage statistics and “alt metrics” for each paper
  • Ability to upload raw research data via Mendeley Data

Why choose SSRN?

• Few formatting/content type restrictions Proceedings content on SSRN may contain abstracts, fulltext articles, posters, presentation slides, etc. (as a PDF file). There is no required paper template/style and no minimum/maximum number of pages.

Original copyright holder retains rights – You only grant SSRN non-exclusive rights to post and distribute the papers.

• Flexible timeline – Submit and publicly release proceedings on your timeline – before, during or after the conference. Proceedings can be live/available online within one week after all submissions have been received by SSRN.

• Submissions remain editable – Authors may access their own papers at any time to make updates as needed which helps ensure the most recent and compliant version of a paper is available in the proceedings.

• Personal review & interdisciplinary classification – Every submission to SSRN is individually reviewed for completeness by a member of our staff. Each paper goes through additional review by our subject matter experts to determine which of our topical email alerts it should be distributed in.

Additional benefits 

• Free, open access (OA)

− Papers are freely and immediately available online 

− No subscription or account is required to access the content 

Increased discoverability 

− Indexed by Google Scholar, Google and other public search engines 

− Global audience of relevant researchers targeted via SSRN communications 

• Extended “life” of proceedings 

− Papers remain permanently available on SSRN unless removed by conference organizer or authors 

− Papers will be added to additional SSRN distributions where appropriate (e.g. Research Paper Series)

• Dedicated support staff 

− Your SSRN Proceedings Coordinator will help you navigate each step of the process and provide assistance as needed to ensure smooth progress from submission through distribution.